Central Park - Jun 30, 2024

We officially kicked off the scheduled walk season with a walk in Central Park. We began that walk, as we always do, at the corner of Amsterdam Ave. and Gary Lincoff Way to pay tribute to Gary, who was the guiding spirit of the NYMS for nearly five decades, who contributed immensely to the understanding and appreciation of mushrooms and their role in our ecosystems, and who wrote the classic Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms.

Very very dry. Bone dry. A hot and muggy day after a week with one drenching, but brief rain storm. There was a lot of wind earlier in the week as well. Not much to find in Central Park last Sunday, but Soren Malpass found something very intriguing on a twig in the Ravine. I consulted with Jason Karakehian who suggested Pezicula ocellata. Unfortunately, the collection is not yet mature, so there are no spores or asci to confirm that theory. So it must be sequenced.

*=new to park   **=new to city



Annulohypoxylon truncatum
Biscogniauxia marginata
Creosphaeria sassafras
Daldinia childiae
*Diatrype virescens
Eutypa spinosa
Eutypella leprosa
Macrodiplodiopsis desmazieri
Mollisiaceae sp.
Rosellinia corticium
Trichoderma sp.
**Unknown sp.
possibly Pezicula ocellata
Whalleya microplaca
Xylaria liquidambaris

Crusts & Parchment

Peniophora albobadia
Peniophora cinerea
Stereum fasciatum
Stereum lobatum

Cyphelloid Fungi

Henningsomyces candidus

Gilled Fungi

Pleurotus ostreatus
Schizophyllum commune

Jelly Fungi

Exidia crenata


Candelaria concolor


Fuligo septica


Fulvifomes robiniae
Fuscoporia gilva
Ganoderma lobatum
Ganoderma sessile
Irpex lacteus
Pseudoinonotus dryadeus
Trametes betulina
Trametes conchifer
Trametes versicolor
Trichaptum biforme